Drawn by Sean Michael is part of the collection of stories centered around the Hammer Club, a high-end, private BDSM club. The main characters in Drawn are Giles DeSante, a brilliant painter and Harrison Ornell, a wealthy young businessman. Drawn is a very focused short story; much of the action surrounds Giles and Harrison as they work out the mechanics of developing a Dom/sub relationship in the midst of Giles frenetic and creative artistry.
Giles and Harrison are both likable characters; Michael handles the BDSM aspect of the story with a light touch. The major action in Drawn involves Harrison getting Giles to recognize and understand just what the BDSM life style is all about. The sex scenes are passionate and tender with a little spanking thrown in for good measure.
Harrison, the Dom in the relationship is an intriguing character. He’s rich enough to attract any sub he wants, but he sees a complexity in Giles, and beyond that, he sees an individual crying for someone to help him find peace. It’s a job Harrison is certainly capable of achieving as he demonstrates by slowly taking charge of Giles life and changing it for the better. Drawn is a sweet little love story and worth 4 stars, only because it would have been nice to continue learning about these two delightful men.
Stars: [rating=4]
Review originally appeared on BlackRaven’s Reviews
Publisher: Torquere Press
Image courtesy of Torquere Press