Book Review of A Knitter in His Habitat by Amy Lane

RA Knitter in His Habitat (Cover)eviewed for Jessewave Reviews
Publisher Dreamspinner Press
Image courtesy Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Catt Ford

Genre: M/M Romance, Contemporary
Length: 212 pages
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A Knitter in His Habitat by Amy Lane is a romance novel that details Stanley Schulze’s search for love after his friend and part-time hook-up, Craw finds the love of his life. Stanley is working in a yarn shop, Ewe’ll Love This– not exactly a hot-bed of gay romance and while he used to play the gay scene in Boulder that’s starting to get old.

If you’ve read any of Lane’s books in the past then you know that she is a great writer. Her best stories are full of emotional angst and sometimes physical pain. A Knitter in His Habitat is not angst-filled; the book has some tense moments, but this is light fare for Lane.

Lane tells great stories and this is no exception. I can almost envision Stanley puttering around the yarn shop telling his customers about the different types of yarn available. I can see the pole-axed expression on his face when he first lays eyes on Johnny.

Lane knows how to turn a phrase. She has a clear writing voice and excellent style. The characterizations in A Knitter in His Habitat are good. Secondary characters such as chunky Alice, the owner of the yarn shop, her daughter, Candace, and the very pregnant, hospital bed-confined Ariadne are all strong characters who lend their own flavor to the story. Craw and his boyfriend, Ben also add some interesting spice to Stanley and Johnny’s love story.

Lane takes time to build up the relationship between Stanley and Johnny; two dramatically different men. Stanley lost his family when he outed himself as a young man, while Johnny has some dark secrets in his past; secrets that might cost him and Stanley a great deal if they’re not careful. Johnny appears more cautious than Stanley, and with good reason. Still, he also seems more eager for a long-term, committed romance.

The road to sexual bliss builds slowly, with such a fine tension, that I was waiting anxiously for the first kiss. Nevertheless, there’s no lack of heat; the passion is very evident. Stanley and Johnny are definitely hot for each other. It’s clear though that they both want something other than a forgettable roll in the sack. Lane knows how to build relationships and Stanley and Johnny’s story is no exception. Their road to love and romance may be a hazardous one, but the journey is well worth it. I loved A Knitter in His Habitat. I may even take up knitting again; I forgot what fun it can be!