Book Review of Engaging Affairs by Jesse Tjaden

Engaging Affairs (Book Cover)

Engaging Affairs is a brief glimpse into the life of aristocratic Donatien and his best friend, Luc Lafayette. The story takes place during the revolutionary period in France, but the actual details of the period are sketchy. This is one of the shortcomings of the short story. It’s hard to understand how aristocrats could live as comfortably as Donatien appears to live in the midst of the French Revolution.

History aside, the relationship between Donatien and Luc is interesting. They appear to both not know the depth of each others’ feelings. Donatien is heartbroken because of Luc’s upcoming nuptials. While Luc is making plans of his own regarding Donatien.

Much of the action of Engaging Affairs occurs during a Valentine’s Day party that Donatien has no interest in attending, a party attended by Luc’s future bride, Merie Trenier and her young sister. Tjaden rushes the sole sexual encounter between Luc and Donatien.

Engaging Affairs seems to be the prelude to a more in-depth story of the two young aristocrats, since there are some plot developments that are left unresolved. Engaging Affairs is worth 3 stars. It was easy to read, but a little too short.


Originally reviewed for Blackraven’s Reviews
Publisher: Torquere
Image courtesy of Torquere