Book Review of Horny, Hard and Hare-y by Mia Watts

A Horny Affair…

Horny, Hard and Hare-y (Book Cover)Horny, Hard and Hare-y is a short story by Mia Watts about three shifters, Charlie, Duncan, and Gibbs and a Michigan Department of Natural Resources officer, Ben. The premise of the story builds around the historic race between the tortoise, Duncan and the hare, Charlie, with Gibbs the owl overseeing the competition.
Duncan, Charlie and Gibbs are close friends and roommates who live together and play in the woods of Michigan. Watts develops a cute story around the tortoise and hare fairy tale. For Duncan and Charlie the annual race is a reason to get together and have fun challenging each other. Watts creates some fun characters that enjoy playing games with each other.

Horny, Hard, and Hare-y lacks any sort of back story. Three different shifters somehow come to be living together in the wilds of Michigan and there are no other shifters associated with them. The mystery surrounding where these shifters came from and how they are such great friends distracts somewhat from the story. Still, it’s an enjoyable read worth 3.5 stars for the fun.


Originally reviewed for Two Lips Reviews
Publisher: Resplendence Publishing
Image courtesy of Resplendence Publishing