Book Review of Lion Tamer: A Hammer Story by Sean Michael

Lion Tamer is another chapter in the Hammer Club series by Sean Michael. Like the other Hammer Club stories, Lion Tamer is about the BDSM life-style. The focus of the story is an encounter between Christopher and Travis at the Hammer Club Halloween party. Christopher arrives masked and carrying a lion tamer’s whip. While, Travis wears the costume of a black cat. Both men are looking for some action.

Michael’s Hammer Club is a rich and decadent stage for the encounter between Dom Christopher and wannabe Sub, Travis. The owners of the club, Xavier and Marcus are recurring characters in the Hammer Club series. They and other club regulars tie the stories together.

Christopher is looking for someone to ply with his expert whipping skills and Travis is not sure what he wants, but he thinks he could like what Christopher is offering. Michael develops a nice chemistry between Christopher and Travis in Lion Tamer. There’s a great deal of high-energy play between the two main characters, but the BDSM doesn’t get too heavy. Michael has light touch with sensitive issues and character development. He reveals things about his characters using facial gestures and body language — an uplifted eyebrow can imply many things.

Lion Tamer is a fun little tale with some playful sex scenes. It’s worth 4 stars. Enjoy!


Review originally appeared on Blackraven’s Reviews
Publisher: Torquere Press
Image courtesy of Torquere Press